Monday, June 22, 2009


It's been a long time.

I've become slightly addicted to facebook. Which has taken some time from my blogging here.

These past couple weeks have been a blur. Graduations, Family drama. Just the whole enchilada.

Plus I have what my doctors think might be gall stones. So dealing with those issues for quite a while, just not feeling myself.

So I share some pics, for those of you *ahemStacieahem* that don't have facebook.

Victor's High School Graduation


Proud momma and poppa!

Me and my boy!

Mateo's Promotion.
Being a ham, as usual.

The money maker.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh my did I miss this post...????

love the picture, your boys are so handsome...

and I'm back to the root of all evil that is facebook ;)