Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Sleepy in LA

Ah, not a very creative start to my blog! I was trying to catch up on my LC's, when I noticed they all had blogs, so I thought why not. I had wanted to start one, but couldn't figure it out. Yes I'm retarded...

I'm pretty sure, this blog with reflect the ordinary life of a mother of two boys. A teenager and a toddler. Fun times. I have periods of obsession, I will become thoroughly obsessed with a hobby and it will last, oh, a couple of months, then I move on to something else.

Current obsessions, Scrapbooking and Big Brother 8 and Top Chef and Little People, Big World.

Not sure how I'll get to feed my obsession with TV, since they turned off my cable yesterday. YIKES! I owe $283... How did that happen???!!! Well I paid half, but our current financial status, doesn't allow me to pay the whole, what in the world am I going to do??!! What I tell you, WHAT???!!!!!!


Tamara said...

Why is your blog layout so mucg more rockin' than mine? Please give me a blog makeover so I can be half as cool as you! xoxo

Quiverof4 said...


Unknown said...

I want to know how you got the links on your page


I love top chef, hells kitchen..all those reality shows really tickle my fancy ;)