Thursday, August 23, 2007


Oh-my-G-d.. I love Steve Burton. I saw the kiss heard round the world. I love love Steve Burton when he shows his sensitive side. The slow I love you, and that kiss. Elizabeth has got to get a grip man! But I kinda like the angst. I think GH is smart to play it like this. Show us a little bit, and keep us longing for more. I won't stop watching. BUT I don't want them to have an affair. I think that's unfair to Lucky and unfair for them. How about that Sam. She sure is devilish. But I have to admit, I am enjoying her character very much right now. I want her and Lucky to get together. Just to cause drama and then really fall for each other. They look great on screen, and I think they have more chemistry than Lucky and Liz. I never really liked their pairing. I'll have to admit I liked Liz with Ric (Sick I know!!!)

So on BB8 Danielle is sooo dumb. I mean Jen has no one in the house. Her immediate threats are the couples. I can't wait for tonight's show. I wanna see how they show Jen's meltdown. I feel bad for the girl. No one in the house is talking to her.

My three year old is driving me nuts. My goodness. My oldest was never this difficult. I think mainly he is just spoiled.

I'm almost done with "I know why a caged bird sings" Man, it's some heavy stuff. Our book club had a meeting already, and it's good to see everyone's different opinions. There is a good mix of different cultures, so everyone interprets it differently. The next book we are reading is "Red Rover". Oh, I didn't tell you I was in a book club?? A couple of girls at work have been in one for over a year. When I discussed with them my need to read, they suggested I join. Every month, one girl puts in her three choices, then everyone votes on what they want to read. The book with the most votes wins, and we read it that month. Red Rover is Sept. Next month will be someone else's choice, then mine! I'll be the last of the group to draw choices. There are 8 of us altogether.
I've already started my research. I want to pick something by a Latin American author. Last time I was in this book club (4 years ago) I picked House of Spirits and it was a big hit. Alot of the girls in the group have read tons and tons of books, especially the classics, so it's going to be hard to choose something all haven't read. So far I've narrowed it down to these.

Decisions, decisions. I might keep adding to my list as I do some more research.

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